History of our genealogy search and update chronicle of this site  


Genealogy Scheidemantel Buettner

October 2007
10/07/2007 Update: Additions to Scheidemantel, Jaeger, Kohlhepp, and and and... Many thanks to all the people who helped to complete the family tree or who helped to correct some mistakes. New link to the homepage of Dan Konrady and Ron Rose. New version of TNG with a report of the places with Google map. 
10/06/2007 Descendants of Conrad Lamb *1647 in Gundhelm from Beate
10/05/2007 Ancestors of Johann Peter Wenzel *1795 in Seulberg / Ancestors of Friedrich Christoph Wagner *1815 in Seulberg / Descendants of Friedrich Christoph Wagner *1815 in Oberstedten from Karlo
10/03/2007 Many descendants of Franz Jaeger *1641 and corrections of the Jaeger data from Dan (This includes the names Sachs, Ungeheuer, Zentgraf, Metz, Rothenbaecher, Brosius. These are only few of them) / Descendants of Conrad Friedrich Pfeiffer *1814 in Seulberg from Karlo
10/02/2007 Descendants in the USA of Johannes Scheidemantel/Scheidelman *1793 in Fuerfeld from Shelley Petersen
10/01/2007 Descendants of Barbara Elisabetha Lang *1803 / New link to the homepage of Mr. Duchmann (http://www.duchmann.net)

September 2007
09/16/2007 Descendants of Bertha Scheidemantel *1879 are completed by Patty / The date when Claus Alsmann *e . 1569 died from a Alsmann fellow
09/15/2007 Descendants in the USA of John Colip/Johannes Kohlhepp * 1760 from Jean
09/09/2007 Ancestors and the date of birth of Susanna Maria Rudolph *1709 in Niederhoechstadt are corrected from Dan Konrady
09/02/2007 Descendants of Johann Peter Scheidemantel/Schidelmanel *1823 in Sterbfritz (we visited his grave in McConnellsburg) from  Ron Rose

August 2007
08/19/2007 The date and place when and where Lorentz Kitz *1855 in Seulberg died from a fellow
08/12/2007 The date when Robert Scheidemantel *1916 died from Doris
08/05/2007 Descendants of Wilhelm Scheidemantel *1665 from Iris

July 2007  

June 2007  

May 2007
05/28/2007 Jacob Jahn *e. 1681 in Wallroth from Georg/ Descendants in the USA of Maria Elisabeth Scheidemantel *1749 from Mildred Smith
05/18/2007 Descendants of Christoph Boerner *1615 in Bronnzell / Descendants of Hans Jahn *1641 both from Georg
05/17/2007 Descendants of Johannes Hoelzer *1704 in Oberzell / Descendants of Hector Hoelzer *1718 in Oberzell / Descendants of Sebastian Mueller *1678 in Sterbfritz from Georg
05/07/2007 Descendants of Johann Nicolaus Leipold *1702 in Niederzell
05/06/2007 The Birthdays of the children of Johann Peter Scheidemantel *1687 are corrected

April 2007
04/21/2007 Descendants of Hans Zeller *1607 in Mottgers / Descendants of Jost Ape *1648 in Mottgers / Descendants of Johann Dietrich Auffahrt *1698 / Descendants of Martin Zinkhan *1673 in Neuengronau, all of them from Georg
04/16/2007 Descendants of Hans Kohlhepp *1633 in Gudhelm / Descendants of George Henry Islaub *1898 from Noel / Leipold children in Australien are added
04/15/2007 Descendants of Jost Bucholt *1657 in Marjoss and descendants of Heinrich Rensch *1688  in Heubach from Georg / Descendants of Andreas Scheidemantel *1789 in Hutten / Ancestors of Anna Maria Rosenberger *1814 in Breitenbach / Ancestors of  Gertrauda Leipold *1790 in Breitenbach
04/11/2007 George Valko and a Foeller fellow were able to prove with a y-dna test, that both are descendants of Johannes Foller *1606 in Seulberg
04/08/2007 Heinrich Christian Scheidemantel *1804 in Ebersdorf so far no connection to a family tree
04/08/2007 Finally we found the time to make an update. To everybody who gave us information which isn't added till now.: Please accept my appology. It will come next.
04/07/2007 Georg Mueller from Hungary is writing a book about the German emigrant in Hungary. He gave us many information about family member in the Schluechtern area. Thanks to Hungary!
04/06/2007 Robert Fitzpatrick could complete the descendants of Maria Elisabeth Scheidemantel (*1749) with his ancestors from Illinois. Thanks to St. Louis!
04/01/2007 With the help of Polly and another family member we were able to find a Scheidemantel family in Ohio. Unfortunately we didn't find a connection to our tree.

March 2007
03/25/2006 Johannes Leipold (*1836) from Hintersteinau emigrated together with Johann Georg Pfeifer to Australia. Bernie and Noel collected the descendants. Thanks.

February 2007
02/25/2006 Johann Georg Pfeifer (*1837) emigrated to Australia.  Bernie sent us his ancestors. Thank you!
02/24/2007 Noel gave us information about the Islaub family from Bornheim. Thanks again!
02/10/2007 Thanks to Thomas Schoene. He was able to fill some gaps of our family tree with the ancestors of his wife.

January 2007
01/13/2007 Leipolds from Niederzell and Kressenbach are completing our family tree.

December 2006
12/30/2006 Achim sent us the marriage certificate of Karoline Grau und Wilhelm Büttner. Now we know, that Wilhelms name was Carl Friedrich Wilhelm and his parents are Wilhelm Büttner and Charlotte Becker.
12/23/2006 Thanks to Frank Stueckrath who helped to complete the fellows of Conrad Rosenberger and to correct his wedding.
12/22/2006 Also in Schoenberg we could find more Jaeger.

November 2006
11/04/2006 And once again more family members from Seulberg. (Wagner, Landvogt,...)
11/01/2006 Beate sent us the ancestors of Anna Elisabetha Blum (*1784) from Bad Vilbel. Thanks.

October 2006
10/29/2006 We were able to find more descendant of the Bechenheim Scheidemantel.

September 2006  

August 2006
08/27/2006 And  again we found more families from Seulberg.

July 2006  

June 2006
06/13/2006 The family from Seulberg could be expanded about more members. (Becker, Haas, Pfeiffer...)

May 2006
05/24/2006 The Jeckel family in Seulberg could be upgraded.
05/01/2006 Mr Uffelmann and another family member gave more Uffelmann data to us. Thanks. We were able to find the Elsaesser connection to  Guido.

April 2006
04/27/2006 The Scheidemantel family from Bonames could be added with many family members but there is still no connection to our family tree.
04/22/2006 The Haas family from Seulberg could be complemented with further progeny.
04/16/2006 Update: New pictures and family members
04/10/2006 Ancestor of Anna Margaretha Möller (*1716), wife of Johann Caspar Leipold
04/05/2006 More ancestor of Eva Elisabetha Köhret *1829, this includes Lotz, Fuß, Resch and Hertzog
04/04/2006 Ancestor of Johannes Gebelhard *1687 were added

March 2006
03/31/2006 Thanks to Judy we were able to enter the descendants of Johann Adm Börner *1835 and Heinrich Börner *1847, both immigrated to Indiana. Thank you
03/26/2006 Polly Rizer was so nice, to mention us the descendants of Nicolaus Lotz *1832 in Gundhelm. He immigrated to Ohio. Thank you
03/24/2006 A nice researcher helped us to add some children to the Fürfelder Scheidemantel line of ancestor. Also we were able to trace the ancestor of Heinrich Scheidemantel *1809 back to 1784, unfortunately without finding a connection to our family tree
03/21/2006 We have to correct and to expand the ancestor of Gertraud Fehl *1863 because of new conclusions
03/20/2006 Inge and Mr. Schreiber gave us more family members of the Lohrhauptener Scheidemantel line
03/19/2006 Thanks to Noel, we could add the Australian Iszlaub line. Guido was so kind, to gave us all descendants of Johann Carl Scheidemantel in Oberrad. Thank you!
03/17/2006 Günter was able to gave us a few living family member. Ancestors of Anna Catharina Firnges were entered
03/02/2006 Due to new conclusions we rearranged the sons of Johann Georg Scheidemantel
03/01/2006 Mr. Uffelmann gave us more Uffelmann descendants

February 2006
02/16/2006 Ancestor from Rodheim were added

January 2006
01/30/2006 We searched for Immigrations into the USA in ancestry.com and found some
01/29/2006 More family members in Seulberg were amended
01/22/2006 The ancestor of Elisabeth Christ *1857. This included the families Christ, Teutsch, Eyring, Lins, Richter, Buchhauer and many more
01/21/2006 Pat gave us the descendants of Johann Peter Kolb *1801. Thank you!
01/12/2006 The remaining data from the Leibregister were added
01/05/2006 Brian Workman helped us to complete the descendants of Cora Ida Scheidemantel (*1880) Thank you!
01/01/2006 Update: new design of the familytrees, our homepage was expand about the following languages: dutch, danish, finnish, french, greek, icelandic, norwegian, portuguese, spanish, swedish and czech. More descendant and ancestors were added

Dezember 2005
12/19/2005 Descendant of Johann Friedrich Islaub (*1792) from Friedrichsdorf
12/17/2005 Descendant of Johannes Scheidemantel (*1689) from the Hessischen Ahnenliste
12/16/2005 We received information about the descendant and the husband of Maria Mathilde Raab (*1904) from another genealogist (thank you!). Also we added her Raab ancestor

November 2005
11/29/2005 Wolfgang Kleemann named us the descendants of Heinrich Becker (*1831). Thank you! We addes more ancestor of Susanna Kitz (*1827)
11/17/2005 The Lehenregister of Seulberg from 1711 could gave us many informationen about some descendants. Partly we were able to add new generations or we could correct some other

October 2005
10/30/2005 A descendant of Hans Weitzel (*1560) named us more descendants. Thank you! Also we were able to correct some data in our database
10/26/2005 We visited the archive in Bolzano, but unfortunately we didn't get new information about the Jaeger ancestor. The father of Christiani Jaeger can possible be Georg Jaeger from Imst. A painter, who was registered as a resident of Bolzano in 1596
10/05/2005 The descendant of Dorothea Ochs(*1651) and Catharina Kohlhepp(*1640), both married Knauf, were sent by a Knauf-descendant. Thank you! If you want to learn more about theKnauf family: www.familienverband-knauf.de

September 2005
09/27/2005 We added the ancestor of Anna Barbara Dorn (*1821)

July 2005
07/07/2005 The ancestor of Johann Peter Cress (*1831) were inputted
07/06/2005 The ancestor of Eva Elisabetha Koehret (*1829) were added
07/03/2005 Update: Because of a new version of TNG our homepage gets a new look. You can see more information about the several person. In addition to the ancestors of Anna Maria Frischkorn from the Schluechtern area there are also more ancestors from Seulberg and Burgholzhausen 

June 2005
06/21/2005 We added the ancestors of Anna Catharina Michel (*1722) from Burgholzhausen
06/17/2005 More ancestors of Anna Maria Frischkorn (*1848) were entered

May 2005 05/29/2005 Update: Both ancestors from the Schluechterner area and from Seulberg. The hottest news about the Scheidemantel reunion and the DNA research in Foeller. Thanks to all the kindly 'family members', who provided information. I will add them as soon as possible to this homepage. A special thank you to Neu Anspach and Günter, for their assistance to make these site as errorless as possible. 
05/19/2005 The ancestors of Anna Maria Frischkorn (*1848) were added partly
05/18/2005 We searched for the descendants of Johannes Barth in the church register of Seulberg
05/14/2005 A genealogist sent us the facts of the parents of Elisabetha Strabel (*1812). Thank you!
05/03/2005 Cuntz, Hans and Jacob Spon as ancestors of Margreth Spon (*1623) were entered

April 2005 04/17/2005 The ancestors of Anna Catharina Hach (*1786) were added

February 2005 02/27/2005 We found more connections to Reiner Kuprian
02/25/2005 Update Ancestors of the Schluechtern area, the Scheidemantel family trees from Schmalkalden and Bedra and family member, who emigrated to the Volga
02/16/2005 More Lotz ancestors, namely the forefathers of Anna Maria Lotz's.
02/13/2005 The Lamm/Lamb ancestors of Helena Lamm (*1803) were received from Beate Lamb
07.02.2005 Die Klüh, Möller, Krack, Föller und Müller Ahnen von Anna Klüh gefunden
02/06/2005 Expanded about the ancestors of Anna Barbara Jaeger (*1761) and Eva Simon (*1706)
02/05/2005 Farnung, Voegler, Lang and Roth ancestors of Elisabetha Roth (*1733) were put in
02/04/2005 The ancestors of Anna Catharina Henning (*1807), Catharina Johe (*1652), Anna Dorothea Alt (*1762) and Elisabetha Harres (*1671) were added
02/02/2005 We built the line of ancestors of Jacob Scheidemantel (*1590) from Sangershausen. There is no connection as well. Thanks to Austria! 

January 2005
01/30/2005 We recorded a separate Scheidemantel family tree of Hans Scheidemantel (*1640), without a connection to our line of ancestors. The ancestors are partlyl emigrated to Brazil. Thanks to Brazil!
01/28/2005 The Berckel/Berckert and Allget ancestors of Catharina Berckel (*1682) were added
01/25/2005 We entered the ancestors of Eva Simon (*1788). These are: Simon, Strott, Euler, Sperzel, Roeder, Ramminger und Zinckhan
01/07/2005 More descendants of Johann Jacob Foeller out of George Valko's book were added
01/05/2005 We've got new insights about the descendants of Clas Lotz (*1517). So we could correct and enlarge the line.

December 2004
12/24/2004 The descendants of Gertrauda Luise Kolb were completed
12/22/2004 From someone of the USA we've got the ancestors of Johann Nicolaus Kolb (*1769). Thank you!
12/18/2004 The descendants of Appolonia Lorey (*1654) from Burgholzhausen were entered.
12/18/2004 Update ancestors and family member from Burgholzhausen, the Schluechtern area and the USA
12/15/2004 The descendants of Johannes Raab (*1753) from Karlo and the descandants of Anna Margaretha Frischkorn (*1811) from the USA
12/14/2004 Ancestors of Maria Elisabetha Becker (*1753) and the ancestors of Friedrich Deuker (*1845) wrapped from Karlo. Karlo's family tree can be viewed on his homepage:  http://gw1.geneanet.org/index.php3?b=pleines
12/12/2004 Ancestors of Anna Veronica Lohrfinck (*1717)
12/11/2004 Descendants of Johannes Schneider (*1590)
12/07/2004 Descendants and ancestors of Maria Margretha Goetz (*1696) from Burgholzhausen
12/05/2004 Descendants of Johann Weil Islaub (*1779) from the USA and the descendants of John George Scheidemantel (*1847), who were send by Dave again
12/01/2004 Descendants of Johann Jacob Foeller (*1754) who emigrated to the Wolga. Everybody who wants to learn more about the Volga-Germans, should visit the homepage of George Valko:  http://www.printONDEMANDpublisher.com

November 2004
11/29/2004 Ancestors of Gertrauda Luise Kolb (*1832)
11/23/2004 Ancestors of Anna Maria Metchan (*1802)
11/08/2004 Ancestors of Anna Catharina Noll (*1805)
11/07/2004 Ancestors of Elisabeth Jaeger (*1775)
11/06/2004 Ancestors of Anna Magdalena Baer (*1669) and Kunigunda Schmidt (*1687)

October 2004
10/31/2004 Ancestors of Anna Margreth Uffelmann (*1708)
10/25/2004 Ancestors of Anna Eva Ackermann (*1730) and Anna Maria Uffelmann (*1779)
10/25/2004 Update Frischkorn, Kopp, Ochs, Euler, Schneider,...
10/20/2004 We were able to establish a relationship between Anna Maria Frischkorn (*1848) and Anna Margaretha Frischkorn (*1811)
10/18/2004 The descendants of Ottilia Euler (* 1750) were added
10/14/2004 More ancestors of Jacob Jäger were found
10/11/.2004 The descendants of Franz Ochs from  Kirdorf were entered

September 2004
09/02/2004 Update: Ancestors from the Altkreis Schluechtern and distant relatives from Seulberg

August 2004
08/19/2004 We searched for more ancestors and their descandants in the church register of Seulberg
08/14/2004 We added the Scheidemantel from Bad Frankenhausen and Schleusingen

July 2004
07/07/2004 Everybody who has questions or information about the Uffelmann's can contact Mr. Walter Uffelmann, who is making a family book about the Uffelmann family (Please contact us for the address).
07/03/2004 We added more ancestors out of the Altkreis Schlüchtern ( Ziegler, Pfaff, Lotz und Pfeiffer).

June 2004
06/29/2004 Ancestors of Thomas Zickwolf from Friedberg were found.
06/27/2004 Update: The ancestors of Susanna Pfeiffer were added, also the ancestors of Heinrich Scheidemantel. The Link to Rod's site in Rootsweb and to the homepage of Sue Foster were arranged. 
06/22/2004 The ancestors of Catharina Leipold could be found till Henn Lotz (1457).
06/13/2004 Noel send us his line of ancestor back till Conrad Isslaub. We were allowed to add it to our homepage. Thank you for this and also for all the other information!
06/07/2004 We continue our search in the church register of Seulberg. We could source our line back to Pankratius Chelius (*1510). His father Ulricus was a ancestor of Claus von Amsberg.
06/05/2004 Günter Hufnagel mentioned us some information about new Leipold follows. The children of Leonhard Heylmann were completed. We were able to pursue the Loeffert line from Gundhelm till Konrad Loeffert from Hutten
06/04/2004 In the church register of Seulberg we searched out the ancestors of the Pfeifer wives , and of Maria Katharina Raab and Anna Katharina Kitz
06/03/2004 We found more children of  Melchior Rueffer and Hans Lotz from Breitenbach
05/31/2004 The line of ancestor were enlarged with the ancestors of Kunigunde Kohlhepp
05/29/2004 We entered the ancestors of Anna Margaretha Zinkhan
05/26/2004 Ancestors of Johann Adam Spahn and Els Schilling were added

May 2004
05/24/2004 Update: Complements in the family trees of Scheidemantel, Leipold, Pfeiffer und Buettner. New Links. 
05/21/2004 Noel Iszlaub from Australien contacted us. He is a distant cousin, who searches for the Isslaub family members all over the world. If you have any questions or information about the Isslaub family, you can also contact him directly: niszlaub@bigpond.net.au
05/18/2004 Guenter Hufnagel gave us more data about the Leipold descendant.
05/12/2004 The ancestor of Helena Catharina Pfeiffer born Schneider were found till  Elisabeth Hartmann  and her parents Eltern, with the help of a familysearcher from Bad Homburg. Elisabeth was burned as a witch.
05/10/2004 Data of the ancestor of the Leipold wife Anna Maria Bitter were added (including Elsaesser, Wiegand, Jaeger, Lotz und Hach)
05/09/2004 We were able to take some data about the descendant of Kraushaar and Moeller from Sue Foster's homepage.
05/05/2004 We found the marriage of Franz Jaeger's parents and also of his wife's parents in the Bolzano church record.
05/04/2004 Mr. Schreiber found the ancestor of Anna Catharina Link. These includes the families Möller, Kraushaar, Wachsmann, Will, Spahn, Schedel, Braun und Storck.  
05/03/2004 We found the ancestor community with Reiner Kuprian (about Rehm). Everybody who wants to know more about the Kuprian family, should visit his homepage:  http://home.arcor.de/reiner.kuprian/Information/Ahnen/ .  Inge had some great information about Karl Scheidemantel, a very famous  Wagnersinger from Weimar. Unfortunately there is no connection to him. Also she has more informationen about  Scheidemantel in Bad Orb.
05/02/2004 An Uffelmann searcher gave us many Uffelmann follows. Thank you!
05/01/2004 Gerhard Hufnagel made a book about the Hufnagel family. We were able to take some data.

April 2004
04/28/2004 The ancestors of Dorothea Rehm married Zinkhan and Eva Schwan married Zinkhan were added.
04/27/2004 We received pictures of Johann Peter Scheidemantels' tombstone and pictures of his church from the USA. Thank you so much!
04/21/2004 In the Myslowitz church record we found the parents of Catharina Howana and Mariana Chrobok.
04/18/2004 We found the follows of Karl Büttner.
04/17/2004 Update: The families of some Leipold wives (Linck und Noll) were added, also some Scheidemantel, Buettner und Jaeger.
04/13/2004 In the church register of Bozen, we found the birth of Franz Jaeger (1641) and the birth of his parents
04/11/2004 Charles gave us more Kohlhepp family members. Thank you, too!
04/04/2004 Rod gave us many information about the Kohlhepp family. Many thanks, Rod!

March 2004
03/31/2004 Mr. Wilhelm Duchmann gave us some information about Caspar Ochs. Thank you!
03/29/2004 We were able to add some members of the Ziegler family
03/27/2004 Update: We added a Link site, with very interssting Links about our family. Also we added some pictures and data.
03/26/2004 We found more Scheidemantel family members in the Schluechtern area and also new connections to other families in the USA and Germany. Also we got some information about Anna Margaretha Scheidemantel who married Heinrich Steinbrecher, given by Ulrich Muenstermann. Thank you!
03/21/2004 Today we found finally the connection to Beate Lamb. Our husbands have the same ancestor: Johannes Pfaff. Who wants to get more information about the Lamb family or who is searching for ancestors in the Schluechtern area, should visit Beates' homepage: www.lamb-familie.de
03/20/2004 In Rootsweb we found another Scheidemantel (Flinner) family tree out of the USA, which belongs to ours. We were allowed to use these information. We want to say thank you!
03/18/2004 We were able to finish the search for the families of the woman, who were married with Scheidemantel men in Jochen's dirct line. These are the families Beringer, Loeffert, Schenk, Ziegler, Pfaff, Kaufmann, Uffelmann und Zinkhan. At the moment there are still not all the dates available, but it will come soon.
03/14/2004 Accidentally we found a Scheidemantel successor in the internet. She belongs to the Scheidemantel family tree from Lohrhaupten.
03/03/2004 We wrote to all Scheidemantel, we found in the phone book of Hanau. One man named Scheidemantel answered. He knows his family tree till 1809, but unfortunately we have no connection to him. 
03/10/2004 Beate Lamb is searching in the Schlüchtern area, too. We started to compare our information and tried to find a relationship. 
03/09/2004 When we read the church register from Myslowitz, we found the marriage of Balthasar Kowalski and Marianna Chrobok and also the marriage of Blasius Rack and Hedwig Hmura.
03/08/2004 The News page is added and this update history is finally in English. New pictures and Data from Scheidemantel and Rack.
03/03/2004 Information about two of the children of  Karl and Anna Büttner were found in Glindow. 
03/02/2004 Today we found the birth of Balthasar Kowalski and the marriage of his parents in the parish register from Myslowitz.

nach oben

Februar 2004
02/29/2004 Douglas Molgaard was able to complete the Scheidemantel family tree with many names and data. Also thank you to you! Who wants to visit his homepage, click herehttp://www1.tripnet.se/~dougm/
The follows of Conrad Scheidemantel *1820 were given to us by Dennis Blum. Also we received a picture.  Thank you!
02/21/2004 We changed our Provider, so there can be some problems by going to our site.
02/19/2004 Update: We are using new software to built our homepage, so it looks totally different. All persons without a birthdates were estimated. There are new Scheidemantel, Büttner, Rack and Pfeiffer ancestors. 


January 2004
Guenter Hufnagel sent us many pictures and data about the Scheidemantel- and the Hufnagelfamily. Thank you!
The search for the birth of Johann Georg Scheidemantel (1630) in Schleusingen and Bad Frankenhausen was not successful and so we still can't connect the Scheidemantel trees.
We were able to add Scheidemantel information from Germany and the USA. Many thanks in the USA!
We added a marriage in the Schleusinger part.
More Pfeiffers were found in the Seulberger church records.
We've get contact with family follows of Buettner and Rack . So we get new information or we can correct the already available ones.
We were able to complete the Buettner line with some information about Grauwinkel. A grand-cousin gave us the data. Thanks!
01/04/.2004 Update: We added  Jaeger und Scheidemantel members and settled the data (Marriages and children are sorted now). We estimated the birthdays in any case we didn't know and we added some pictures. Therefore we had still problems with our software Relatively Yours, we had to let some reports.
Relatives in the USA send us many information and pictures about the Jaeger family. Thank you very much!


December 2003
12/21/2003 Update: We added the new family trees from Erfurt and Schleusingen. 
We've found the grandchildren of Johann Georg *1630 and Dave send us the follows of Anna Barbara Scheidemantel *1826.

12/14/2003 Update: The Scheidemantel and Jaeger tree completed. We added a Link to David Ohliger's site, Herbert Scheidemantel's E-Mail address, Gerhard Wiehle's E-Mail Address and a  Link to Mr. Thiele's Homepage. We expand the disclaimer.

In the Kirdorfer Family book are more  Jaeger family members. There will be a new edition of this book
in February.
We've got many Jaeger family member from a distant cousin from Oberursel. Now we have the line till  Franz Jäger. He gave us also the pastures from the church in Mainz. Thank you! In the Internet you can find more information about Conrad Jäger, a baroque church painter:  http://de.geocities.com/konradjaeger/index.html
The Scheidemantel family has been completed with a few more members.


November 2003
11/30/2003 Update of our Homepage: We added pictures, the page Namensherkunft, the Hoelzer family tree and the History page in German.
11/29/2003 We found a few Scheidemantel family member in Hutten.
11/26/2003 Gerhard Wiehle send us his Scheidemantel family tree. Unfortunately we can't find any connection, but we will public this part as Scheidemantel-Erfurt. Thank you very much Gerhard! If you have any questions about Erfurt or Schleusingen you can contact Gerhard too: mailto:g.wiehle@gmx.de
11/25/2003 We found the follows of a Jaeger immigrated into the USA. We've get in touch and received many information and pictures. Thank you very much!
11/21/2003 First update of our homepage: We placed the Fieres, Jaeger, Pfeiffer, Rack and Leipold pedigrees and the Stammbaum pages to our homepage.
A cousin gave us some information about  Grauwinkel. Thank you!
We found the Fieres and the Hoelzer family tree.
We've got a new Scheidemantel part from Weiperz. Thank you very much Herbert! If you have any questions about the village of Neuengronau you can ask Herbert: mailto:herbert.scheidemantel@t-online.de
11/16/2003. First publication of our homepage.
In the Limburger parish records archive we found the Jaeger family till 1819.
We searched in the church records in Seulberg. We found many Pfeiffer family member. This is really easy, because there is an index of surnames.


October 2003
In Rootsweb we found many Scheidemantel in the USA. Dave Ohliger has these information in Rootsweb. Dave gave us his information and we complete our family tree. Thank you very much Dave! You can see his line of ancestors in Rootsweb:  (http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=ohliger2)
We contacted a Pfeiffer searcher. He gave us 3 ancestors.


September 2003
We asked our relatives and we looked in old family genealogical books. We found Mr. Clemens Schreiber in Schluechtern. He searches in the church records of Schluechtern and his environs. With his help, we found the first information more back in the past. Mr. Schreiber is a very good address for everyone, who is searching in this area for his relatives.


August 2003
When we visited the USA, we met a man named Scheidemantel and we were curious to know, if we were related. So we started with the genealogy.

